Own the Game:

Navigating Power and Purpose with Executive Coach Ann Mehl

New York Chapter

Tuesday, November 19th, 2024

5:30 - 7:30 pm

Barclays Office

745 7th Ave, New York, NY, 32nd Floor

Join the NY Chapter for a fabulous evening of cocktails and speaker-led networking. We welcome Executive Business Coach, Ann Mehl, for an engaging session focused on owning your own agenda, influencing others, and navigating your career from a strong foundation. Please note that space is limited and we will close registration once we’ve reached capacity. 

Date:                   Tuesday, November 19th

Time:                   5:30 - 7:30 pm

Location:  Barclays Office - 745 7th Ave, New York, NY, 32nd Floor

Click here to add to your calendar.

Please contact the New York Chapter leads if you have any questions.

Registration is now closed

Thank you to Barclays for kindly sponsoring this event.